0411 586 846
17 Bretby Way
Montrose Victoria 3765

Freckle / Pigmentation, Rosacea / Broken Capillaries

IPL is used for a wide range of treatments

As we age and spend far too much time out in the beautiful sun, your body goes into protection mode by producing melanin – putting this in easy to understand terms it is the brown pigment within your skin. IPL has had great success in reducing and removing these pigmented areas. By stimulating the natural collagen production within your skin – your skins colour and texture and tone will clear back to their normal state.
Freckles are simply skin pigmentations. IPL can help to reduce these and to even out your skin tone – breaking up the melanin in your skin to clear it up. We have had a lot of success treating freckles at My Skin Studio.

Broken capillaries appear as small veins under your skins surface (normally found on the cheeks or nose area). Caused by capillary walls narrowing and widening too quickly and remaining dilated. Usually inherited but also caused by sun damage, hot conditions, and extreme heat or cold are often the common cause of broken capillaries. IPL allows us to collapse the broken capillaries without doing any damage to the skin surrounding the treated area – thus reducing the visible signs of broken capillaries.

Rosacea is where your face becomes red and holds onto the redness due to capillaries close to the skin’s surface– this is normally noticeable around the nose, chin, cheeks and chin even neck and décolletage area. You are not alone with this one it is a condition that affects 1 in 20 people worldwide. There are well known triggers for rosacea – Hot spicy foods, direct sunlight and extreme weather conditions, alcohol stress and menopause all contribute and can trigger skin redness. Rosacea can be mistaken for acne as blemishes can accompany the redness.

IPL works to collapse the vessels that cause rosacea.

Call us today at My Skin Studio to discuss your IPL needs in the reduction of Freckle, Pigmentation, Rosacea, Broken Capillaries on your skin.

Freckle, Pigmentation, Rosacea, Broken Capillaries
Cherry Angioma/Spot Treat.
Nose & Cheeks
Full Face
Neck & Décolletage
Back of Hands

NOTE: Price is per treatment.

At My Skin Studio we are “Changing skin, one face at a time”.