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Cosmetic Nurse - Jasmine

Meet Jasmine
Our Cosmetic Nurse at My Skin Studio.

Enhancing natural beauty and building confidence is my passion.

I believe in helping my clients embrace aging with positivity, using a blend of science and artistry.

Jasmine’s inspiration and interest in the beauty industry developed in her teens from her mother Mandy who has now been a beauty therapist for 25+ years.

Whilst Jasmine initially began her career studying a Bachelor of Science and Marine biology, in 2017, her career path took a turn towards human science where she completed a Bachelor of Nursing to become a cosmetic nurse, allowing her to unify beauty and science together.

While undergoing her nursing studies, she worked as a Dermal Clinician and obtained a Laser Safety Officer Certificate. In clinic she performed complex aesthetic treatments focusing on pigmentation, scarring, skin quality and anti-aging using a combination of medical grade laser modalities and devices, advanced skin treatments and skin care.

Jasmine pursued her Nursing Degree without any hesitation that once qualified she would continue to work within the cosmetic industry. Initially trained in cosmetic injectables by a plastic surgeon in 2021, she merged her 2 roles and became a dual cosmetic injector/dermal clinician and combined the knowledge, skills and passion to achieve powerful skin and anti-aging results.

She continues to work on her expertise through continuous education and staying updated on emerging trends in cosmetic medicine. Jasmine prioritizes patient safety and continues to frequently attend seminars and upskilling through industry leaders.

Her goal is to enhance ones natural beauty, encourage confidence in clients and to look at aging positively. Jasmine will welcome you in a comfortable and pressure-free environment to discuss your anti-aging and skin concerns.

Boost your confidence and embrace your natural beauty. Book an appointment with Jasmine today for expert cosmetic and advanced skin treatments!